FIND THE OPTION THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS OAK PANEL TIMBER FLOORING IN ADELAIDE WHAT IS OAK PANEL TIMBER FLOORING? Expand Our Versailles oak panels are textured and distressed to replicate genuine antiquity. This flooring features rustic oak blocks bonded onto a plywood backing sheet. WHY OAK PANEL TIMBER FLOORING? Expand High-durability flooring, perfect for heavy-traffic areas Dimensionally stable The elegant Versailles pattern is famous for its connections with the elegant Palace de Versailles Easy glue-down installation RANGE AVAILABLE Expand European Oak Flooring American Oak Flooring French Oak Flooring Raw, coated on-site Preassembled 800mm square panel OUR TEAM PROVIDES FIRST-CLASS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES floor1 CHOOSE YOUR PERFECT FLOORING Request Our Help REQUEST QUOTE (All Fields On This Form Are Mandatory*) Name:* Phone:*0 Email:* Select Flooring/Service Type:*—Please choose an option—Engineered/Timber FlooringLaminate Floating FlooringParquetry FlooringSolid Direct Stick FlooringHybrid FlooringSolid Timber FlooringOak Panel Timber FlooringBamboo FlooringCarpetSupply & Installation QuoteFlooring Installation QuoteCarpet Installation QuoteOther Message:* What is 9 x 1?